
Connect On

We continue to be a visibly Catholic school that is Christ-centered and student-focused bringing up the children in the likeness of Christ. Our students are emerged in Catholic traditions and are asked to live by Catholic values. We also put an emphasis on building self-esteem and self-respect. We want our students to exhibit community and global responsibility and to demonstrate relevant skills. We want our students to be the best they can be.

Our aim as Catholic educators is to nurture a Spiritual relationship with the Lord, sustained by doctrine, prayer, the sacraments, peace and social justice.

We hope and pray that through cooperation and partnership between home, school and Church, Holy Cross Catholic School will be an exciting and loving environment for all of our children.

Accessibility Plan

In compliance with the Ontarians with Disabilities Act and the Ontario Human Rights Code, the Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board is committed to providing accommodations to persons with disabilities. 

The Board will take into account the person’s ability to access information and will provide the information contained in Board-produced public documents in a format that meets those needs as agreed upon with the person.