Volunteers are another distinct group of people within the school. Some may never be a part of the school council, yet they offer plenty of helpful services to students and the school.
Volunteer involvement can include:
- Traditional volunteering, assisting individual classroom teachers, library maintenance workers or others within the school.
- Organizing or running fundraising campaigns to benefit the students within the school.
- Organizing school social events that bring families to the school.
- Bringing community resources into the school for the benefit of students.
Click here to view the Board Policy for Volunteers
All volunteers are required to produce a Police Criminal Reference Check prior to volunteering.
Procedural Guidelines
In keeping with O. Reg. 521/01, the Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board requires all volunteers who are entrusted with frequent, lengthy contact with students (e.g., coaches, tutors, fundraisers) to undergo and produce a Police Criminal Records Check.
The Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board permits principals and supervisors “to assign to a person who volunteers to serve without remuneration such duties in respect of the school as are approved by the board and to terminate such assignment.” Such permission is granted in S. 171 (1) 4 of the Education Act.
The following procedural guidelines are supported by the Board’s Manual for Volunteers and Volunteers in Schools – Manual for Supervisors.
A volunteer is a person who supports educators as they cultivate enriching opportunities for our students.
Volunteers serve in their capacity without compensation or employee benefits of any type, except for Liability Insurance Coverage for Volunteers, as provided by Board Insurance.
A Principal/Supervisor is responsible for a school, department or an identified area.
A designate is someone identified by the Principal/Supervisor to help implement the Procedural Guidelines.
- are responsible to the principal/supervisor and/or designate of the school or department;
- support educators in providing an enduring education;
- reverence the dignity of each person;
- maintain and respect confidentiality;
- participate in training sessions, as required;
- inform appropriate personnel in case of absence or withdrawal of service;
- respect communication protocols; and
- may assist in conducting activities, provided they are supervised (see samples below).
Sample supervised activities with which volunteers may assist include:
- photocopying and/or setting up equipment and materials;
- creating displays;
- helping with winter activities (e.g., tying skates);
- collecting funds (e.g., lunch money, fundraising efforts);
- developing school newspapers;
- independent coaching, in collaboration with a designated teacher;
- sharing individual expertise (e.g., nurse, artist, craftsperson) to enhance curriculum;
- organizing and/or running cultural activities;
- chaperoning field trips;
- helping in the library / book room;
- assisting with literacy and numeracy activities;
- supporting the use of computers and technology;
- playing instructional games; and
- participating in liturgical celebrations.
Volunteers are NOT responsible for curriculum delivery; this role is reserved for those qualified under the Education Act.
Principals/supervisors are ultimately responsible for volunteers. It is the responsibility of principals/supervisors to fulfill the following roles, as required:
- assess the need for volunteers, in consultation with the teachers;
- assist in recruiting volunteers;
- interview volunteers;
- request and keep records of required Police Criminal Records Checks;
- provide in-service educating volunteers on policies, procedures, buildings and facilities, logs, confidentiality, school calendars, routine changes, and the values of the Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board, as stated in our mission (see Manual for Volunteers);
- provide information to parents regarding the school’s volunteer program;
- assign volunteers to supervised activities;
- encourage and support welcoming and respectful relationships between volunteers, staff, students and parents;
- monitor the volunteer program and address any concerns that may arise;
- terminate volunteer assignments, where appropriate;
- appropriately recognize and celebrate volunteers.
Teachers/designates will fulfill the following roles, as required:
- consult with the principal regarding the need for volunteers and assists in recruitment;
- train and instruct volunteers on routines and procedures;
- ensure confidentiality and privacy of student information;
- encourage and support welcoming and respectful relationships between volunteers and students;
- monitor the volunteer program and addresses any concerns that may arise;
- assist in maintaining volunteer logs;
- appropriately recognize and celebrate volunteer contributions
Under Section 5.8 Insured, of the OSBIE LIABILITY POLICY (2012), the term “Insured”, refers to:
“Any statutory officer, elected or appointed official, appointed committee member, including a member of a recreation committee recognized by statute, fiduciary, trustee, employee, volunteer worker, school council member, chaperon or member of the Board or a similar governing body while acting within the scope of his or her duties on behalf of the Named Insured and not to limit the meaning of the foregoing, while they are participating in trips or tours arranged by them for students of the Named Insured if such trips or tours have been approved by the Named Insured.”
For Volunteer Drivers, the Board’s insurance policy provides excess liability insurance over and above the owner’s primary insurance:
“Employees, trustees, volunteers, parents, students, and other individuals are protected while operating a vehicle not owned by them on board business. Further, they are protected while operating their own vehicle on board business, such as field trips. Driving to and from work is not considered board business. Again, coverage is in excess of any vehicle owner’s insurance coverage.”
Additional information about insurance for volunteers may be found in the Board’s Policy 5003 – Field Trips.
Volunteers are another distinct group of people within the school. Some may never be a part of the school council, yet they offer plenty of helpful services to students and the school.
Volunteer involvement can include:
- Traditional volunteering, assisting individual classroom teachers, library maintenance workers or others within the school.
- Organizing or running fundraising campaigns to benefit the students within the school.
- Organizing school social events that bring families to the school.
- Bringing community resources into the school for the benefit of students.
Board Policy – Volunteer – Policy and Procedures
All volunteers are required to produce a Police Criminal Reference Check prior to volunteering.
- Your Child's Education
- Volunteer Information
- Registration
- Programs & Initiatives
- School Cash Online
- Safe Schools
- Parent Involvement Committee
- Student Achievement Plan
- New To Canada
- Anti-Sex Trafficking
- Start & Dismissal Times
- Accident Insurance
- Concussion Resources
- Best Start Resources
- Learning Resources for Parents
- Childcare Services
100 Ontario Ave, Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6B 1E3
P: 705-945-5400 • TF: 1-800-267-0754 • F: 705-945-5575 • frontdesk@hscdsb.on.ca