Health & Safety
In keeping with its Mission, Vision and Values the Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board is committed to the protection of the health and safety of its workers. The Board will take all reasonable measures to identify hazards, minimize risks and comply with all applicable occupational health and safety legislation.
The Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board is committed to the protection of the health and safety of its workers.
The Board will take all reasonable measures to identify hazards, minimize risks and comply with all applicable occupational health and safety legislation.
The Board endorses the Joint Health and Safety Committee structure and supports the resolution of health and safety concerns through the joint management/worker participative process, as described in the multi-site Joint Health and Safety Agreement.
The Board places accident prevention among its highest priorities and expects every supervisor and worker to contribute their efforts toward the ultimate goal of a healthy, accident-free environment.
Click here to view the full Board Health & Safety Policy.
The following links include health and safety training resources for HSCDSB employees:
100 Ontario Ave, Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6B 1E3
P: 705-945-5400 • TF: 1-800-267-0754 • F: 705-945-5575 •