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Religious and Family Life Education is a key means by which our Catholic learning community is able to develop the full potential of each child and to nurture a personal relationship with Jesus.
Each class becomes a community of faith. Each community studies the faith and traditions of the Church. Through these studies we all become more deeply rooted in Jesus Christ. Let us pray for our Catholic learning community this year as we strive to answer the call to reflect hope.
“The Catholic Kindergarten program is a child-centered, developmentally appropriate, integrated faith-based program of learning for four- and five-year-old children. The purpose of the program is to establish a strong foundation for learning in the early years, and to do so in a safe and caring, play-based environment that promotes the spiritual, physical, emotional, and cognitive development of all children.
Foundational to the Catholic Kindergarten program is an understanding of each child created in the image of God. Children are supported to be creative, as God is creative; to be inquisitive, so as to encounter and deepen their understanding of God; and to use their God-given gifts and talents to explore their world and in the service of others. The Catholic Kindergarten program recognizes the importance of the family and faith community. Parents are their child’s first and most important teachers. They are supported, nourished, and guided by the faith community of the Church. The home, school, and parish communities form an important triad in the faith formation and education of each child.
Each child, created in the image of God, is on a wonderful journey of becoming.”
Excerpt from Ontario Catholic School Kindergarten Program p. 5
This program will be replaced by Growing in Faith Growing in Christ Kindergarten program when it becomes available in the Fall.
The Grade 1 Growing in Faith, Growing in Christ program is organized into the following five units:
Unit 1: I Am a Child of God is based in Ordinary Time and introduces students to God as Creator and Father. In the unit, they will learn about God’s covenant with Noah and Abraham and learn about the call of Moses and God’s love for His Chosen People.
Unit 2: The Road to Bethlehem presents the seasons of Advent and Christmas through story and Scripture. Students will learn that the story of the Nativity is God’s perfect gift to humankind.
Unit 3: My Life in Jesus is based in Ordinary Time and focuses on Baptism as a call to life in the Church. Within the unit, students will also explore the lives of saints who tried to live their lives as Jesus taught.
Unit 4: The Story of Lent and Easter roots the passion and death of Jesus in the liturgical celebrations of Lent and Easter. Grounded in Scripture, these lessons help students to begin to understand the story of our salvation.
Unit 5: Jesus Is Always with Us, taught in Ordinary Time, focuses on the call to live our lives as Jesus taught. Through the stories of the risen Christ, students come to know that Jesus has promised to maintain and strengthen us through Eucharist and the Holy Spirit.”
Excerpt from Grade 1 Teacher Resource, Letter to Families
The Grade 2 Growing in Faith, Growing in Christ program is organized into the following five units:
Unit 1: We Belong to God’s Family is based in Ordinary Time and introduces students to the Apostles’ Creed and the Beatitudes. Students will learn about the four parts of the Mass and the sacrament of Reconciliation.
Unit 2: The Road to Bethlehem presents the seasons of Advent and Christmas through story and Scripture. They will explore the meaning of Advent through revisiting the Annunciation. They will learn about the joy of the coming of the Messiah and the fulfillment of the promise of salvation through the birth of Jesus.
Unit 3: Jesus Guides Us is based in Ordinary Time and focuses on the healing stories of Jesus. Students will learn that in the Eucharist, the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ through the Holy Spirit. They will also be introduced to the Blessed Trinity, the central doctrine of the Catholic faith.
Unit 4: The Story of Lent and Easter roots the passion and death of Jesus in the liturgical celebrations of Lent and Easter. Students will learn more about the connection between the Last Supper and the Eucharist. They will learn about the events of Holy Week and the saving story of the Resurrection.
Unit 5: We Are Blessed in Faith, taught in Ordinary Time, focuses on the call to live our lives as Jesus taught. Through the story of the Road to Emmaus, students will learn that we are all sent to share the Good News. They will learn more about Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and how she is our Mother too.”
Excerpt from Grade 2 Teacher Resource, Letter to Families
The Grade 3 Growing in Faith, Growing in Christ program is organized into the following five units:
Unit 1: Our Catholic Community
is based in Ordinary Time. Students will explore what the life of Jesus teaches us about community. By learning about Mary and the saints, they will learn how to live in and strengthen our faith community. They will be introduced to God’s gift of free will and how their own choices and actions affect their community.
Unit 2: The Road to Bethlehem
presents the seasons of Advent and Christmas through story and scripture. Students will explore the meaning of Advent and Christmas, the role of the prophets, and how they can share the Good News with others.
Unit 3: Born of the Spirit
is based in Ordinary Time. In this unit, students will learn that we are strengthened through the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit as members of the Body of Christ. They will learn how they can use the talents and gifts given to them to build up the Body of Christ in the world.
Unit 4: Our Lenten Journey
is based in the liturgical seasons of Lent and Easter. In this unit, students will learn that, as followers of Christ, we are called to confess our sins and ask for forgiveness. This unit emphasizes God’s mercy by examining the stories of St. Peter the Apostle’s denial and parables about reconciliation. Students will learn that they can show mercy to others in their daily lives.
Unit 5: The Promise of the Holy Spirit
is based in Ordinary Time. In this unit, students will learn about the fulfillment of Jesus’ promise to send an Advocate and, through an examination of scripture, they will learn about the events of Pentecost and the origins of the Church. This unit will emphasize participation in Christ’s mission through participation in the liturgies and outreach of the Church. Students will also explore devotions to Mary, and learn that as the first disciple she is honoured as the Mother of God and the Mother of the Church.”
Excerpt from Grade 3 Teacher Resource, Letter to Families
The Grade 4 Growing in Faith, Growing in Christ program is organized into the following five units:
Unit 1: Called to Be One is based in Ordinary Time. Students will learn that we have been called to be one as members of the Body of Christ. They will begin to understand that our relationship with God is nurtured through the sacraments, liturgy, and prayer. They will explore God’s holy Word as revealed in the Bible. They will learn that God has created a world for us, and as His people we are called to good stewardship of its many resources.
Unit 2: A New Beginning Students will explore the many ways they can deepen their faith during the Advent and Christmas seasons. They will focus on the joyful mysteries of the Rosary and learn how reflection on these events can help them better understand how God has revealed Himself to us.
Unit 3: The Kingdom of God is based in Ordinary Time. In this unit, students will learn that the kingdom of God was foretold in the scriptures. They will learn about God’s plan for our salvation revealed through Jesus Christ.
Unit 4: New Life in Jesus Students will explore the themes of renewal, healing, and preparation during the Lenten season. They will come to understand the gift of new life we receive through the Paschal Mystery. They will read and discuss the scripture passages that describe the passion, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus. Students will learn about the rich liturgy of the Easter Vigil.
Unit 5: Building the Kingdom of God is based in Ordinary Time. In this unit, students will learn about Jesus’ call to His Apostles to carry on His work and establish His Church on Earth. They will be inspired by the good works of saints, holy people, and organizations that work to use their gifts for the good of others and in the service of God, and explore their own personal call to witness holiness through words and actions as members of the Body of Christ.”
Excerpt from Grade 4 Teacher Resource, Letter to Families
The Grade 5 Growing in Faith, Growing in Christ program is organized into the following five units:
Unit 1: The Gift of Our Faith begins in Ordinary Time. Students will explore the importance of developing their belief, knowledge, and trust in God in the context of Old Testament covenants and their fulfillment in Jesus. They will learn more about the foundation of Catholic faith in Scripture and Tradition, and how each Person of the Trinity nurtures faith. Through the grace and inspiration of the Holy Spirit and the lives of saints, students will discover how they can demonstrate their commitment to the teachings of Christ and profess their faith through the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds.
Unit 2: Called to Gather in Faith focuses on the seasons of Advent and Christmas. Students will explore how the Church supports them as they prepare their hearts for the three comings of Christ during Christmas and Advent. They will examine the ways that Jesus is present in their lives and in the Church. They will discover how the virtues of faith, hope, and charity help them fulfill their baptismal mission and how participating in Advent and Christmas traditions helps them spread the Good News to others.
Unit 3: Called to Live a Moral Life is based in Ordinary Time. Students will explore the concepts of morality, conscience, and the importance of using our free will to choose God’s grace over sin. They will learn about the five precepts of the Church and the importance of witnessing their beliefs in their daily lives. They will explore diversity within the Church, the value of interfaith dialogue, and working for the common good.
Unit 4: Celebrating the Paschal Mystery focuses on the seasons of Lent and Easter. Students explore the symbols, rituals, and traditions of the seasons, and how the three main expressions of prayer (vocal, meditative, and contemplative) bring us closer to God. As they think deeply about Jesus’ suffering, death, resurrection, and ascension, they appreciate more fully how they are called to serve others and spread the Good News.
Unit 5: Rooted in Dignity and Living Our Faith is based in Ordinary Time. Students will learn how we are all born with human dignity because we are made in God’s image. They will explore Catholic social justice principles and learn how these principles call us to love and respect everyone, to respond to the needs of all people, particularly those who are poor and vulnerable, and to protect the dignity of each person.”
Excerpt from Grade 5 Teacher Resource, Letter to Families
The Grade 6 Growing in Faith, Growing in Christ program is organized into the following five units:
Unit 1: God Calls Us to Know Him begins in Ordinary Time, a season of growth. Students will explore the many ways that we can come to know God—through Jesus and Scripture; through creation (the natural world and every human person); through our ability to reason; through the gift of faith; through the Church and the Mass; and through the truth, goodness, and beauty God brings to the world. They will also come to understand how God calls all people to Him, and welcomes all who believe. The Church is catholic (universal and whole), and its mission is to spread the Good News so that everyone can come to know the love and mercy of God.
Unit 2: O Come, Divine Messiah celebrates Advent and Christmas, and extends to Epiphany. In this unit, students will explore how the Holy Family helps us know and love God. Students will consider what Jesus, Mary, and Joseph teach us about our relationship with God, our families, and our church community. They will examine the Church’s teaching about the life of Mary and reflect on how she models holiness for us and supports our faith. They will also explore how Jesus, through His Incarnation and public life, reveals God to all of us. The unit also allows students to discover prayer as a way they can continue to grow in relationship with God.
Unit 3: Answering God’s Call to Serve marks the beginning of the calendar year and the beginning of Ordinary Time in the liturgical calendar. In this unit, students will explore the importance of fidelity and conversion in fulfilling God’s will, and their personal responsibility in living out their baptismal mission as priests, prophets, and kings, following Jesus as their model. Students will expand their knowledge of the vocational paths of the laity (married and single), the consecrated (religious), and the clergy (ordained), and will discover how each Christian vocation serves the Church and helps build the Body of Christ. As they engage in their own personal journey of vocational discernment, students will develop their understanding of how the Holy Spirit provides the gifts and the grace needed to answer God’s call to serve.
Unit 4: Take Up Your Cross focuses on key themes of Lent and Easter, including repentance, forgiveness, conversion, reconciliation, hope, new life, and salvation. Students will explore how their journey through Lent and Easter helps them follow God’s will to live a moral life. They will learn how the rituals, symbols, prayers, and scripture readings of the season help them understand the Paschal Mystery, follow Jesus’ teachings, and live by God’s laws. They will come to understand how they can form and educate their conscience to help them make good moral decisions, develop virtues, and grow in holiness. They will recognize how they can strive, as individuals and as communities, to grow closer to God.
Unit 5: Gather Us Together is based in Ordinary Time. In this unit, students will explore how God reveals the human dignity of all people and how we are called to witness to justice and service in our mission to honour dignity. Students will examine how we are guided in our mission to respect diversity and work for equity in order to affirm dignity. They will learn about similarities and differences with other faith traditions and the importance of dialogue in working for unity and justice. Students will also learn how to follow the example Christ gave us to honour dignity: we witness to justice with our service as we continue His mission to work for the common good of all people and share our faith.”
Excerpt from Grade 6 Teacher Resource, Letter to Families
The Grade 7 Growing in Faith, Growing in Christ program is organized into the following five units:
Unit 1: Preparing for God’s Kingdom begins during the liturgical season of Ordinary Time, a season of growth for the Catholic Church. During this unit, students will explore the Sermon on the Mount from Matthew’s Gospel in depth, examining it through the lens of solidarity and social justice. They will examine the four-fold structure and content, concentrating on the Beatitudes and the Lord’s Prayer as Jesus taught it. Students will come to understand that the Sermon on the Mount and the Lord’s Prayer are at the centre of the Gospels and summarize the teachings of Christ.
Unit 2: Bringing Christ into the World celebrates the beginning of a new liturgical year with the seasons of Advent and Christmas, extending to the Solemnity of Epiphany. In this unit, students will explore the life of Mary and the saints as preparation for the coming of Christ at Christmas and as the Saviour of the world. Students will explore the many devotions to Mary and how these prayers and celebrations lead us in a meaningful way to her Son, Jesus. They will learn that Mary’s witness has inspired heroic virtue in recognized saints throughout the centuries, and that, in turn, these saints inspire us to reach out in compassion and mercy to those around us.
Unit 3: Sacramental Grace for a Life of Service marks the beginning of the calendar year and the beginning of Ordinary Time in the liturgical calendar. In this unit, students will develop a better understanding of their role as baptized members of the Church in continuing Jesus’ mission on Earth. They will examine the concept of vocation and God’s call through an in-depth look at the sacraments of Confirmation, Holy Orders, and Marriage, and the prayers, symbols, and ritual actions associated with each. They will also come to understand the moral basis for the sacrament of Marriage by exploring Bible stories, Church teachings, and the lives of Sts. Louis and Zélie Martin.
Unit 4: God’s Plan of Salvation focuses on key themes of Lent and Easter and explores the key roles of the three persons of the Trinity. Students will examine some of the scripture passages associated with the passion and death of Jesus to set a tone for repentance and reconciliation. The main focus of this unit will be the four stages of salvation history: from creation, the law, and prophets, to the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Christ, and then to the work of the Holy Spirit in the Apostles and Church, which continues until the end of the age. Students will learn how these stages have chronicled God’s continuous love for His people and His call to return to Him.
Unit 5: Acting in Virtue and Solidarity begins after Easter and continues through Ordinary Time. In this unit, students will explore the theological and cardinal virtues and learn how practising good habits can help them lead virtuous lives. They will explore God’s natural moral law and how a well-formed conscience can assist in decision making, particularly in challenging situations. Students will further explore Catholic Social Teaching and how we can live lives of solidarity with our brothers and sisters in our own community and around the world to promote charity and justice.”
Excerpt from Grade 7 Teacher Resource, Letter to Families
The Grade 8 Growing in Faith, Growing in Christ program is organized into the following five units:
Unit 1: Seeking Truth and Justice begins during the liturgical season of Ordinary Time. Students explore how the Church assists us in seeking truth and justice in our own lives and in working for truth and justice in the lives of others. The unit examines the formation of the Gospels and explores how the Holy Spirit guides us to understand God’s Word through the four senses of Scripture. Students are guided through the process of moral decision making and an examination of conscience to enhance their understanding of their personal responsibility in living as God wants us to live, relying on the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Scripture, and Church teachings to work for the common good.
Unit 2: We Are United as Our Universal Church celebrates the beginning of a new liturgical year with the seasons of Advent and Christmas, extending to the Solemnity of the Epiphany. Students examine the Nicene Creed as a statement of the universal Catholic faith. They then explore the diversity within the Church by learning more about the rich devotions, traditions, and celebrations of the Eastern Catholic Churches, with an emphasis on the Byzantine Catholic Church.
Unit 3: The Person, Presence, and Power of the Holy Spirit marks the beginning of the calendar year and the beginning of Ordinary Time in the liturgical calendar. Students explore Scripture and Tradition to better understand the mystery of the Holy Trinity and the divine mission of each of the three Persons of the Trinity. Students then explore the role of the Holy Spirit in guiding and equipping the Church and its members to carry on the mission of Jesus on Earth through the sacraments of initiation and the four marks of the Church.
Unit 4: The Holy Spirit Inspires and Transforms Us focuses on key themes of Lent and Easter, the mission of Jesus as Saviour, and the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Students examine Scripture to understand the deeper meaning of the temptations of Jesus and the connection to our own lives, and how the Holy Spirit can guide us to resist self-indulgence, despair, and pride. Through an exploration of post-resurrection passages from the Gospels, students learn how the Holy Spirit leads each of us to personal conversion.
Unit 5: Our Call to Evangelize begins after Easter and continues through Ordinary Time. Students explore the meaning of evangelization and the call of the Holy Spirit to share the Good News of Jesus in six important sectors of society. By examining each sector, students develop an understanding of how their own actions and attitudes can be influenced in both positive and negative ways. Students then have opportunities to discuss how they can inspire others in positive ways through Christian action and witness.”
Excerpt from Grade 8 Teacher Resource, Letter to Families
Click here to view the religious education programming for grades 9 to 12.
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