
Larry Pezzutto
Larry first joined the Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board in 2001 as a vice-principal in the secondary panel.
He continued his leadership role when moving into the position of principal in 2007.
He graduated from Laurentian University with an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree, from Wilfrid Laurier University with a Master of Arts (Physical Geography in ground water studies), as well as a Bachelor of Education from the University of Western Ontario.
Since his arrival, Larry has served the board in various capacities, including Principal of Holy Angels, St. Mary’s College, St. Paul, and Holy Cross.
He has also acted as the board’s Student Success Leader and coordinator / manager of various programs, including cooperative education, literacy and basic skills, e-learning and international languages.
Larry is a regular parishioner of St. Gregory’s Church.

Christopher Czop
Christopher began his career with the Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board in September 1999 as an elementary teacher; he entered his leadership role as vice-principal in
September 2004 in the elementary sector, and then moved to secondary in 2010.
He graduated from McGill and Nipissing Universities with his Bachelor of Education and Masters of Education In Educational Leadership respectively.
Parishioners at St. Veronica Parish, Christopher and his wife, Lorie, are also Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, and participate in a variety of initiatives in their faith community.
Christopher serves on the Board of Governors for Sault College, is a Rotarian for Sault North Rotary, and is the Executive Treasurer of the Catholic Principals’ Council of Ontario – SSM.

Tiziana Palumbo
Tiziana has served the Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board since 2001, as a classroom teacher, Student Work Study Teacher, Technology and Learning Teacher, Numeracy Facilitator,
and elementary school Vice-Principal.
Tiziana graduated from the University of Western Ontario with an honours degree in anthropology with a specialization in linguistics.
She earned her Bachelor of Education from the University of Windsor.
Tiziana and her family are parishioners of St. Gregory’s Parish. She and her husband have been involved in the Marriage Preparation Course to support couples in receiving the sacrament of Marriage.
Tiziana also serves as a Eucharistic minister for the school communities.
ARCH Hospice is a cause Tiziana and her family believe in and support through volunteer work and attendance at special events.
Lead Teachers
Office Administration Staff
S. Mancini
Head Secretary
M. Battisti
G. Hermann
P. Luck
M. Bonell
Student Services
M. Rocchetta
Teaching Staff
M. Abbott
L. Altieri
S. Barros-Rollin
C. Belkosky
S. Bernardo
G. Brescacin
R. Calvano
T. Calvano
A. Carota
D. Chlebus
P. Cook
N. Crowell
L. Czop
A. DiCerbo
G. DiCerbo
G. DiCerbo
K. Epps
M. Frolick
S. Frolick
P. Garson
M. Godin
M. Grancic
M. Guzzo
M. Innis
M. Korab
R. Majic
L. Marano
L. Mazzuca
A. MacLean
F. Medaglia
D. Oak-Brown
B. Oliveira
G. Palumbo
S. Parniak
M. Pedinelli
A. Poldmaa
M. Polnick
M. Rocchetta
C. Rosso
S. Sarlo
D. Sdao
G. Sicoly
I. Sikorski
M. Striukas
K. Tappenden
C. Thibeault
R. Trecroce
O. Viotto
S. Viotto
D. Wardell
G. Wieczor
D. Zagordo
H. Zagordo
R. Zagordo
Student Services Teachers
M. Korab
D. Salomon
D. Veltri
Learning Resource Teacher
S. Pelletier
Library Supervisors
Noon-Hour Aides
C. Ferguson
A. Demiglio
C. D’Ettorre
Educational Assistants
B. Agbonifo
J. Aikens
A. Bacskai
L. Bertolo
M. Boston
E. Ciccone
B. Dewar
M. Gaetano-Young
M. Gauthier
R. Hojem
N. Hoover
J. Matte
E. Mutch
M. Naccarato-Moore
J. Osmond
C. Page
L. Plastino
J. Raycroft
P. Reid
S. Shields
R. Van Horne
Caretaker Staff
A. Borowski
J. Borowski
H. Caswell
T. Chiarello
K. Cork
C. Francella
W. Gil
S. Lemay
S. Severini
Support Staff
M. Bruno
Algoma Public Health Nurse
T. Coccimiglio
AFS Addictions Counsellor
J. Lefave & L. Francoeur
HSCDSB Social Worker, School & Family Counsellor
A. Johnstone
CCAC Mental Health Nurse
100 Ontario Ave, Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6B 1E3
P: 705-945-5400 • TF: 1-800-267-0754 • F: 705-945-5575 •
Contact Us
868 Second Line E.
Sault Ste. Marie, ON
P6B 4K4