Are you interested in getting out of your comfort zone?
Learning a new skill that can help you down the road?
Or… are you a thespian looking for an opportunity to get up on stage?
Well then look no further than SMC Drama!
SMC Drama has done in school productions such as “A Christmas Carol”, “Love, Death and the Prom”, “An Imperfect Proposal” as well as last year’s Arts Festival adaptation of “Footloose”.
We are excited to announce an upcoming 2019 SMC Christmas play that will have a large cast and many opportunities for behind the scenes work.
So consider joining SMC Drama where you will learn life long skills while having fun!
100 Ontario Ave, Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6B 1E3
P: 705-945-5400 • TF: 1-800-267-0754 • F: 705-945-5575 •
Contact Us
868 Second Line E.
Sault Ste. Marie, ON
P6B 4K4